September 08, 2009


everyone has a butt! we have ears and a nose and strange gangly fingers, too. my sister and mother were weirded out and opposed to me keeping this picture tagged of myself on facebook. they both said it was inappropriate and suggestive. my mom grimaced when she realized that the whole public of 4hundredsomething of my fb friends could gaze at my rear if they so desired. but to me, it was just a moon! simply some silly fun in a silly time in my silly life where i should be able to express my youthful proclivities without pretense or constraints. sheesh, who cares? apparently, my unknown future boss. why are kids allowed to run around half naked while i'm gawked at for innocent crude behavior? just like everyone says, it's like a bathing suit sillies! but seriously, it is! and also how is my granny pantie photo memoir inappropriate and offensive, a butt's a butt!i rest my case. so wah. if my boss deems me inappropriate for a simple camera moon, then i would actually question if i would even WANT to work for sucha tightass.


  1. bahahahha. you my dear friend annie, should never work for a boss who cares that much. a butt is a butt!

  2. Pres. Obama must have read your post as he commented on it today: Obama Warns Teens About Perils of Facebook.

  3. i love granny panty flannie!
