October 01, 2010

things i've learned

- don't hang a mirror on the wall right above the head of your bed;causes anxiety and diagonal sleeping
- too much of a good thing goes bad.and then you want it again. ex: working at A Single Pebble and being fed the most scrumptious fried smorgasboard of decadent Asian food for lunch and dinner daily. now I know why they say McDonald's is addictive. cause it is, if you eat it every day which I had never done, until now(ish)
- watching a show on a serial killer, yup- Dexter, is really relatable prob why the show is so popular. Repression, Neurosis, Awareness, Identity Crisis, blah blah. Love it.
- people are full of surprises..
- a soft mattress is SO comfortable I neverwannaleaveit, but my back cracks excessively throughout the day and i find myself haggardly hunched over (eek) all the time.
- Yuck. Dell 'puters SUCK. Why don’t I ever listen.
-  i love amy because she used to let me crack 1 knuckle even though she hated it and never cracked her knuckles herself.
- i love being around Lindsey because the world we make together is really really fun.
- when things look messy, like a stove top, or an empty toilet paper roll, or trash to the top of the bin…uh.. fix it.  Really appreciate that Cherkin (new roommate) understands these little steps in growth and doesn’t judge but is going through them as well.
- even annoying people are interesting if you give them a chance. But, in very small doses.
-cleaning dishes with a sponge. It’s not that gross after all. (sorry travis, shoulda listened to you the first time)
- people have SUCH different ways of looking at the same exact thing.
- ilovevermont in a completely different way than before. Or more, I now actually live what I love about it verses preach what I love about it.
- argentines are cheesy. but that’s partially what I love about them. but i hate how they think everything of theirs is the best. as if.
- living near a big beautiful body
of water makes the day slightly slash a lot better. Or as I butchered the saying to Emily today, it makes my heart sink. sing? no sink.  but you know what I mean.
-biking is the BEST way to get around town.it just is! i have no other words besides the common sticker that's perched on random street signs around burlington- FEEL GOOD.
- it takes me a while to figure out the obvious. Like the time I told NYtimes fancy pants bestfriiiiend Amy when we were in high school that I have absolutely zero interest in doing community service..EEK...late bloomer.
- my sister and i both like to see carrot tops sprouting their orange selves out from the ground because it's so darn cute!