August 04, 2009

little boys

little boys are confusing to me. last week i worked at a four day kids camp at the national bay harbor. i needed the cash to help fund my next adventure, chicago with amy and kamala and san fransisco with cdunn. so i arrived there and i was immediately bewildered. there were 400 mouse droppings in total and i lucked out to have 7, southern, conservative-palin-lovin'-9 year old boys. it was weird. at lunch, i was eating my voucher chicken caesar salad while maintaining the rabid weasels running around the cafeteria and coming back to me with jelly bellies they didn't pay for when all the sudden i was knocked over the head by a plastic dinosaur head on a stick that a kid named ridge from Tennessee had bought at the gift store. the boys were obsessed with the gift store. this one kid who looked like a shrunken down 45 year old man, would buy every type of candy at the gift store with the 20 bucks his parents gave him and then he would sell (and rip off the kids) little pieces of it for 25 cents to everyone. my other friend paul, was a devout arizonian mormon who picked his nose and ate his boogers. then there was daniel who looked like professor dumbledor and gave me his favorite deviled egg recipe, bought a foot long stick of pucker powder and explained to me the properties of soil manure and how he was accidentally given wassabie under his eel role one night at dinner this week. he was interesting, amusing and had great fashion. at lunch, i said 'yo guys, you have so much junk all over your mouth every day after lunch,' and shortly after it was rubbed off their face and onto their shirt. my dad brought up a good point-that these boys are completely oblivious and unselfconscious, which i witnessed and enjoyed every day. we were at the arlington cemetary and an older man was acting as tour guide to our combined group of 30 youngsters. it was question time, and the most adorable little girl asked, "um, like uh um, how old are the people that are in the graveyard?"she was too cute. so in the end, there were boogers, eye crust, sloppy eating habits, and small acts of violence, but for those four days, i got to travel back to a time where i was the center of it all, where the world was overwhelming with curiosity and where my main purpose on this glorious planet earth was simply, to have a good time.

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