September 11, 2009

balloons and suits

yesterday, i was taking the metro into the city and i noticed something silly. a grown woman had a balloon tied to the back of her knapsack and wherever she walked, she kept hitting people in the face with it. it was behind her, so she was completely oblivious to the situation. it's windy down there, and there are loads of people, so she was walking along bonking fancy suited men in the face with the shiny red heart balloon!it was fun watching people jolt each time it happened.

1 comment:

  1. when i bought my balloon a few weeks ago, it was windy and it hit a foreign woman in the face. when she realized what it was she laughed and i apologized and we smiled and i said it has a mind of it's own! it's a balloon! if people can't smile when they get hit in the face with a balloon, they should be taking to an island filled with negative nancies
